We are moving!

We're moving and integrating our support for everyone at Lund University! 

All activities by LU Innovation, for both students and researchers, are now an integrated part of LU Innovation.  

Integrating our support will mean everyone at Lund University will have access to high-level support from a broad team of experts! Information about all our activities for students and researchers will from now on be communicated on one LU innovations website.  

We want to keep you as part of our community! From now on follow LU Innovation @lu_innovation on Instagram to see what's happening at our incubator and for great innovation inspo!  

AND..... We have moved our incubator from Ideon to X-Lab at LTH. We will open up our new facilities in September.

See you at X-lab!

Our new adress is:
Norra Apparathallen, M-huset LTH
Ole Römers väg 1, Lund, Sweden